North America
- Discs Unlimited [US] (Distributor)
- Top Link Disc Golf [CA] (Distributor)
- 13 Peaks Trading [US]
- 1010discs.com [US]
- acerunners.ca [CA]
- Bomb Discs [US]
- CTP Disc [US]
- Disc’n Dat [US]
- Disc Baron [US]
- DFW Disc Golf center [US]
- Disc Golf Deals USA [US]
- Discovering the World [US]
- Disc Golf Today [US]
- Disc Republic [CA]
- Don’s Disc Golf [CA]
- DZ Discs [US]
- Gallatin Alpine Sports [US]
- GolfDisco [US]
- Gotta Go Gotta Throw [US]
- Glide Disc Golf Pro Shop [US]
- Hazy Shade [US]
- Ideal Discs [US]
- Infinite Discs [US]
- JK Discs [CA]
- Marshall Street [US]
- Michiana Pro Shop [US]
- Nailed It Disc Golf [US]
- Par Plastics [US]
- Play It Again Sports (selected stores) [US]
- Pureline Disc Golf [US]
- Reaper Discs [US]
- Rogue Discs [US]
- Skybreed Discs [US]
- Skylinediscs [US]
- Smoking Aces Discgolf [US]
- Squirrelly Discs [US]
- Sun King Disc Sports [US]
- Sunflower Outdoor [US]
- The Throw Shop [US]
- The Wright Life [US]
- Treemagnets [US]
- Wildman Disc Golf [CA]
- YLS Disc Golf [US]
- Ace Disc Golf [UK]
- Aceshop [NO]
- Ale Discgolfcenter [SE]
- CRK Disc Golf [ES]
- Crosslap Discgolf Shop [DE]
- Discboss [SE]
- Discexpress [SE]
- DiscCity [LT]
- Disc Connection [DK]
- Discgolfar.ee [EE]
- Discgolf4you [AT]
- Discgolfova Hriste [CZ]
- DiscGolfPT [PT]
- Discgolf24.de [DE]
- Discgolfsport [NL]
- Discgolfuk.uk [UK]
- dgshop.no [NO]
- Discimport [DK]
- Discshop [AT]
- Discsport.ee [EE]
- Discsport.lv [LV]
- Discsport (Distributor) [SE]
- Disc Tree [DK]
- Disctinct Disc Golf [NL]
- Disc Wolf [DE]
- Folfdiskar [IS]
- Fribbe [FI]
- Frisbee Sør [NO]
- Frisbeewinkel.nl [NL]
- Gbase Sport [DK]
- GLK Discshop [SE]
- Golfdiscer.no [NO]
- Guru Disc Golf [NO]
- Heatland Disc Golf [SE]
- Hole 19 [FR]
- House of Disc Golf [NL]
- Kalmar Discgolf [SE]
- Kiekkokingi [FI]
- Krokhol Disc Golf Shop [NO]
- kymen.se[SE]
- LB Sport Loisir [FR]
- Mad Disc Golf [ES]
- Micke’s Discgolf [SE]
- MountainDiscs.ch [CH]
- Powergrip [FI]
- Prodisc [NO]
- Scandinavian Disc Golf Store [SE]
- schiibelade [CH]
- Sportime [DE]
- Starframe Discgolf [NO]
- Thrownatur Discgolf [DE]
- Thule Discgolf [EE]
- Ultimo Frisbee Shop [CZ]
The Asia Pacific
- Portal Disc Sports [AU] (Distributor)